The Story Behind The World’s best Car

Being first isn’t new to Mercedes-Benz, as the automotive world will always be grateful for their introduction of the seat belt, brakes, airbags, gas-powered engine, and the vehicles we all use. Historians are still in conflict over the Benz Patent Motorwagen being the first automobile since it’s the third and most successful of self-propelled carriages released at the time.

With the others bearing very little similarities with what vehicles today, the Motorwagen is not only the first production vehicle but also the first functional vehicle. The vehicle is built with the world’s first gasoline engine and several other first.

The Motorwagen was an immediate success and crowned the Mercedes Company as one of the leaders of the automotive world. This is one technology every human are grateful for as it has spearheaded the development of various aspects of our lives.

This was the World’s First Car

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